Monday, January 30, 2012

My girls are growing...

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you just might it" ~ Ferris Bueller

Its hard to believe how fast time goes by. Looking back, I can still remember my childhood days, loving school, and trying to discover what I wanted to do in my life. Little did I know, that my greatest accomplishment would be becoming a mama.

Definitely NOT my best picture...but this is one of the first ones I have of me with Destin. Now almost three years later, we have been busy making plans to celebrate her 3rd birthday. Destin is learning how to read...she can already sound out the letters and recognizes all of her letters, so I say its time!

Here she is when she turned ONE. She looks so much like Arwen, it's not even funny! Look at a recent pic of Arwen...

Where has the time gone? I took Arwen today to her 18 month checkup. I couldn't believe how much she has grown. Now weighing in at 23 lbs and measuring at 33.5 inches tall...she is quickly catching up to her big sister. She is talking so much now, and constanly on the go all the time. Thank goodness she still takes a nap each day. Destin stopped at this age, and I think that is why she can get what she wants to this day.

They are such sweet girls...but boy, do they ever stress me out! Always fighting, constantly wanting me/something...they definitely keep me (and daddy) on our toes all the time. I just wonder what would happen if we threw another baby into the mix. We are definitely not trying or planning for one right now, but I am just not so sure I am ready for another one any time soon. Having two is just fine with me...and my sanity!

For those of you with more than two, how did you know when you wanted more? How did you or how are you handling having more than "what you can handle"? I just worry about being outnumbered.

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