Saturday, June 20, 2009

The last day

Thursday was the official last day of class...I was really surprised how many students waited to turn in their last assignments or participate on the DB. I always like to get things done right away, that way I have time to make up anything else, redo any mistakes, or ask questions if I have any...but every student/teacher/person is different when it comes to learning.

I was able to grade all of the Grad projects - for the most part, they turned out really good. Only 2/6 used a different lesson plan format than suggested, which was surprising to me. I tend to always challenge myself and try something outside of the box each time I take an online course.

Now, all that is left to do - is right all of my papers! I have started them all, but now have to add, edit and turn them in! My goal is to have everything done by the first week of July...wish me luck!

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