Friday, July 29, 2011

When it rains, it pours...

I honestly do not remember the last time, I felt "unstressed" and these past couple weeks have not been very easy...

For those of you that follow my blog, thank you so much! And thank you for being patient. As the summer is winding down, I am trying to find a good balance between mommyhood, being a wife, cleaning the house, personal blogging, professional blogging at Frugal Fabulous Finds, and dealing with all the rest of life's unexpected adventures.

I think it has been a couple weeks since I was able to sit down at the computer and truly write out all my thoughts and feelings...which I do miss. I mean, that is the whole reason, one blogs, right? Well, at least for me...I love to write. Even if this is just an online journal of my life, its still something to occupy my already busy schedule of a life. 

So to update everyone...Destin was sick at the end of June, and passed to a friend, who passed it back to us, and so forth. Sickness is SOOOO not fun! Especially when its your child, or more than one child for that matter. Thank goodness Arwen never did get sick, only a mild fever for one night. Destin though, had a fever, throwing up, diahhrea and more. Then we had a playdate after both the girls were better, and I think we may have passed it on to some good friends of ours. And now with Arwen's birthday approaching, and me counting down the days (and of course, waiting til the last minute to plan everything) sickness is creeping at our door again! Ugh!

Let's just hope that it goes far far away, and does not come back for a very long time...or at least I had hoped! For those of you that did not already know, Patrick was in the hospital last week for a couple days for his blood disorder called ITP. I won't go into all the details, and it was nothing real serious...but after two days/nights being in the hospital (because he had a low platelet count) - an emergency call/help to/from a friend (Thank you Holly & Stephen!!!) - my mother's car breaking down - and the fear of what if's...I think I experienced just about every feeling there is!

Thankfully, Patrick was able to go home Thursday afternoon and went back to work the next day. But wait, there's more...on our way home from the hospital a woman rear ended the girls and I at the top of 291 exit from 50 highway.

Yay for insurance, and for a working cell phone! I had to call Patrick, the insurance agent, and of course the police. It will be a week today that it happened, and we just heard from the insurance today to set up fixing the bumper of our car. It sounds like I will be driving a rental for a few days, which could be interesting...

You know that saying, when it pours...? Yes, well, that definitely applied to our family this week. I can only hope that Arwen's 1st birthday (today) can bring a little bit of sunshine into our lives and turn our luck back up again!

As for other news...Patrick can no longer play on his softball team on Sunday nights. I am not sure if he has decided to not attend any more...we will just see. The girls and I have been super busy with playdates almost fact, these past two weeks, we went swimming twice, Johnson County Museum, Chuck E. Cheese, Paradise Park, and the Zoo.

It has been so incredibly HOT here, in the low 100's. I just don't know how Patrick can stand working out in the heat all day long!

Thanks to friends, family and for all the good days we had this month of July. Oh, I almost forgot..Patrick and I had our first three date nights this month too! The first was in Colorado, the second for my birthday dinner (which was wonderful!), and the third was a beautiful wedding last weekend (when Destin was sick again!).

Let's hope for a much better August, and more fun days to come ahead!

Take care,

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